How Reading with FluencyRev™ Raised

DIBELs Scores for Two First Grade Classrooms

How Reading with FluencyRev™ Raised

DIBELs Scores for Two First Grade Classrooms

Early adopters at Oak Park Elementary School deployed FluencyRev™ in their first-grade classes during the 2021-2022 school year. The student demographic at the school is almost 99% free and reduced lunch and over 40% ELL students in kindergarten through 5th grade.

"Teachers wanted to sit and read with each child and give them the real-time feedback they needed but they didn’t have enough time”

Teachers wanted to sit and read with each child and give them the real-time feedback they needed but they didn’t have enough time. The school Reading Specialist could feel their frustration. She searched for a way to empower the teachers to help all their students.

The Reading Specialist saw that FluencyRev™ could create engaging individualized reading experiences for children without needing more teachers or more parents to provide the needed feedback. FluencyRev™ would be providing the feedback!

Four first grade classes were observed during the 2021-2022 school year. Two classes with minimal usage were used as control groups while two classes with sufficient usage were the treatment groups. Teachers used the Wonders ELA curriculum, and small groups during the instructional day for all four classes. The treatment group classes also incorporated a FluencyRev™ center during the instructional day.

Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) was measured from Fall to Spring among all students in the 1st grade classes using DIBELS. The DIBELS ORF scores show the treatment group with significantly greater gains than the control group as shown in the chart below.

Sample size for this data was approximately 80 students, with half in the treatment group and half in the control group. Data was collected from late September 2021 through late April 2022.

"DIBELS ORF growth averaged 81 for the treatment group compared to only 17 for control group students.”

Students in the treatment classes read an average of 140 minutes in FluencyRev™ throughout the school year compared to approximately 5 minutes on average in the control group. DIBELS ORF growth averaged 81 for the treatment group compared to only 17 for control group students.

The teachers in the treatment classes both agreed that consistent and sufficient use of FluencyRev™ made a significant impact on their students’ success!

Susan Homan, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus University of South Florida
Chief Academic Officer – LanguaMetrics, Inc.